Hillary Again, and Again–and Again?

This is just too ridiculous not to be true. Honest, I haven’t made it up, it’s not one of my little satires.

It seems some political insiders are discreetly whispering behind fans that, come 2020, Hillary “Careless” Clinton will again run for president ( http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2016/11/29/not-again-hillary-reportedly-eying-another-presidential-run-n2252257 ).

Great Scott! Who does she think she is–the Mummy? I mean, really, some people just never learn. I know the Democrats are kind of short on normal people they can run for office–but this?

Go on, do it, it’s just bound to work this time! America really, secretly, craves high taxes, big government, open borders, and all the rest of Hillary’s deluxe fun pack.

Dems’ Plan to Sabotage Trump’s Presidency

They admit there’s absolutely “no evidence” supporting their out-of-the-blue claim that Russian hackers “stole the election”–but that hasn’t stopped Democrats from trying to overturn the results of our presidential election. ( http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/26/us/politics/clinton-camp-will-join-push-for-wisconsin-ballot-recount.html )

So there’s going to be a recount in Wisconsin, and they want to have recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan, too. Green Party “candidate” Jill Stein started this, and has since raised over $6 million–more than she had for her entire campaign–mostly from Democrat donors.

They admit there’s no evidence of “Russian hacking” but they want to “investigate” it anyway… to “make sure all the votes are counted.”

How about votes by illegal aliens, dead people, people voting more than once, and fictitious persons? How’s about we tally up all those, then throw them out?

Since there is no chance whatsoever that any third-party dingbat will benefit from a recount, and virtually no chance that the election results will be overturned and guess what, Hillary’s president after all, open borders here we come, etc. etc.–so why should we do this? Why do Democrats want it so badly?

Well, the very least they hope to get out of it is to taint Trump’s presidency and disable it, politically, before he’s even sworn in. Then they’ll use that to rally their thugs and idiots for the next election. So their payoff is going to be not now, but four years from now.

In the meantime, they can always throw death threats at the electors in the Electoral College. And have riots. And hand out Play-Doh at the universities.

Take a good look at all this stuff, America–and remember it. The Democrats are showing us who they really are.

Never, never, never let them ever take power again. The Democrat Party must be put out of business. Permanently.

How to tel If Yore A Interllectural

I jist come From “a” specale Sembinar the Lexture it Was “abuot” waht makes yiu a Interllectural and i wil tel Yiu abuot it. Of corse to reely be a Interllectural yiu shuld ouhght to Be in Collidge and a lot of Peple who been to Collidge “thay” has Forgot how to bee Interllecturals! Annyhow, Yiu know yiu are A Interllectural iff Yiu beleave:

Worrld govvermint is dezirable, feesable, neseccary, and Inevatable.

The USA fedrel govvermint shuld aughht to be Bigger and More Powarfull.

Yiu are much Smarter then Ordrinary Dum Peple and thay shold ouhght to Look Up to yiu and doo Waht yiu say becose Yiu so smart and Thay dont know nothing!!!

Relgion is no-good And stopid and christinty it is The worst!!

Gay Peple are Better than strait peple and strait peple thay “are” alll biggits!

It is Alyaws Good for a wimmim To has a bortion!

Any boddy Who dont beleave “in” Globbal Warming thay shuld bee throne in Jale!!!

Black Lifes Matter and wite Lifes thay dont Matter at all unless thay Interllecturals at collidge or Else Dembocratt pollaticians thay protectt Us “from” hatful haters and Racists and biggits and Homo Fobes and Trans Fobes and captolists.

Wel thare Was “a lot” More, i has jist onely gived yiu The high lites if yiu Whant to know al thare Is To know abuot It yiu shuld auhght to by His book i ferget waht The boook it is caled but its by Prefesser Smith or some name like that, yiu Can Fined it Easy i think thay was seling it On TV on PMS or one of Thoose Statoins.

Obama, Libs Whine About ‘Fake News’

Image result for obama tantrum

As his travesty of a presidency draws to a close, President *Batteries Not Included joins with other Democrat soreheads in blaming “fake news”–especially that provided by the social media–for their defeat in this year’s presidential election ( http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/11/21/obama-joins-war-fake-news/ ).

Don’t you get a kick out of these people? If there’s anybody out there serving up “fake news,” it’s the big-time nooze media–bought and paid for by the Democrat Party. As late as 9:00 on Election Night they were still yapping about a Clinton landslide–and deceiving themselves, and their candidate, with their own fake news.

We can admit that there’s not a lot of quality control on the Internet, and possibly even less among the social media. But is there anybody out there who still believes the New York Times, or Rachel Maddow? And if you do, I have a cardboard time machine I’d like to sell you.

We are about as close as we can come, today, to having no reliable source of news at all. For many years our alleged “professional” noozies have been drifting farther and farther away from anything resembling a set of journalistic ethics. I know about this: I was a newspaper reporter and editor in the 1970s and 80s. “Journalists” today routinely do things that would have been considered utterly beyond the pale, back then–colluding with politicians to suppress news, accepting favors and payments from politicians, weeding out facts in favor of some desired “narrative”… it’s a long list.

So the Dems are angry now–not because the people consumed fake news, often that’s the only kind of news there is, but because they got the wrong fake news! Fake news from CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post–that’s fine. Inaccurate news from regular people posting on the social media–there oughta be a law!

And don’t think there won’t be one, if these rotters ever get back into power.

America really must buckle down to the business of making sure there is never, never, never again another Democrat government.

How we Can Get rid ‘Of’ Christins!

Wel that foool lee had To go Out so i got “his” blogg and I has Grate News!

My prefesser he “says” it dont mater that Donold Trumpp he won “the” Electin becose We stil has got “to” Fudna mentally Trans Form americka And the Grate News “is” thare is a Gay law Suit that is goin “to” ban christanity!

Now wye dint We “think” of “this” befour?? Wel evven Us Interllecturals hear At collidge wee Cant think “of” Evry Thing al at once!! Ha Ha, yiu jist wate til This hear Law Suit it “gose” thruohgh and The Justise Depotment thay start naling Them “churches” shutt And aslo taring Them downe With Bull Dozers!!! “And” thare isnt Nothin trumpp Can “do” abuot It becose It wil bee done befour He gets Inogriated which i Think dosnt hapen til Seppember!

and then Wehn The christins thay are al In Jale Us Interllecturals we wil Get trumpp Impeeched “and” Hillery she wil be Pressadint Afterall!!! Ha Ha Ha how do yiu no-good trumpters Like thoze apels???

i culd Not find The news Report On Line but my prefesser he toled Me al abuot it So i know Its triue!!!!

Losers Wear Safety Pins

Whine, whine, snivel, snivel…

Now for a brief excursion into Ninnyland.

Liberals just can’t stand it that the people told their candidate, Careless Clinton, to take a hike. How could they? The ungrateful wretched peasants! And so, to register their protest against reality, they have taken to wearing safety pins on their outer clothing ( http://www.mediaite.com/election-2016/people-are-wearing-safety-pins-to-protest-trump-and-signal-that-theyre-a-safe-space/ ).

See, that’s supposed to be a signal to other sissy liberals: “It’s okay, I’m as big a twollop as you are, it’s safe for you to talk to me! You won’t hear anything at all that you don’t want to hear.”

You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things: it was your side, your precious crooked Democrats, who recruited thugs and paid them to invade Trump rallies to touch off violent incidents. It’s your side who physically attacks anyone wearing a Trump button or T-shirt. It’s your side that’s doing all the rioting. It’s Democrats that it isn’t safe to be around.

The safety pin nonsense was started by dopes in the UK who are all bent out of shape because regular people voted to secede from the European Union. That makes them all racists, you know. And biggits.

But decades before that, sado-masochists–one of those “minorities” so cherished by liberals–used to wear safety pins so they could recognize a kindred spirit in a crowd.

Well, liberalism is nothing if it’s not masochism.

They Came for This Pastor’s Sermons

Image result for david and goliath

A Georgia pastor is suing the state for religious discrimination, after he was fired from his government position when other creatures in the government reviewed his sermons and discovered the pastor agreed with God’s word that homosexual acting-out is a sin ( http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/10/26/state-georgia-demands-pastor-turn-over-sermons.html ).

Since he’s sued them, now the state wants all his sermons and all his sermon notes, going back to when he was 18 years old. Having learned from his earlier experience, the pastor has refused to comply.

Dr. Eric Walsh, a 7th Day Adventist pastor, was hired as a district health director by the Georgia Dept. of Public Health. When the hiring committee asked for copies of his sermons, the pastor complied: obviously a mistake, because two days after the committee reviewed them, they fired him.

The current government “request” for all his sermons is tantamount to a subpoena, Fox News has reported.

No law has been enacted, declaring that adherence to Biblical views on sexual morality disqualifies you, forever, from holding any kind of public service post. Nevertheless, complaints by organized sodomy have the force of law, these days.

Those who believe we can just keep on letting liberals run the country, until someday the righteous candidate comes along, whom we can vote for with a clear conscience, please consider the news report above.

I don’t see any virtue in handing over the country to the ungodly and the wicked. To our great shame, we have already done so, to a degree–but not yet to the last degree. Nor do I see any virtue in courting persecution by empowering Christ’s enemies, when we still have the ability, albeit fading fast, to deny them supreme power in the land, and ownership of all our public institutions.

As I see it, God entrusted us with a country that He has singularly blessed; and rather than be good stewards of it, we have permitted it to be stolen out of our hands.

Is there any doubt that the power establishment in America is out to disable Christians in America once and for all? Toward no other religion do they show such animosity.

When David first saw Goliath, he said, “[W]ho is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” (I Samuel 17:26)

Isn’t it about time we stopped knuckling under to the Philistines?

Why Are Liberals Not Happy?

Image result for angry liberals

Well, okay, sure–liberals are never happy, anyhow. But lately they seem even more angry and embittered than usual, and I don’t know why.

For the past eight years they’ve had nothing to do but check off items on their wish list. They’ve been getting everything they want. Obamacare, the first giant step toward their beloved socialized medicine. Homosexual pseudomarriage, one of the holy grails of Western liberalism: and not only that, but whole new government bureaucracies that smash and destroy anyone who dares refuse to “celebrate” a “gay wedding.”

They’ve come very near mainstreaming transgenderism, to the point where a “president” orders the girl’s bathrooms opened to grown men and all the big-time sports leagues, and many giant corporations, hop right on board the tranny bandwagon.

And on top of all that, they’ve got the Soros-funded thugs from Black Lives Matter hobnobbing with Democrat big shots and being feted at the White House, they’ve got voter fraud galore, immigration laws pitched into the waste-basket, and some of the most corrupt individuals in human history running the country into the ground.

So why aren’t liberals happy? I mean, if they’re this sour when they’re getting every cotton-pickin’ thing they want, what’ll they be like if they ever stop getting everything they want?

They may deny it, may even deny it strenuously–but the problem with liberals is that they want to be God. They want the rest of us to think of them as on a par with God–certainly as all-wise, all-good, and able to do all things.

They will never get enough. Their cup will never be filled. Their cup never runneth over because it has no bottom to it.