‘Bernie: If You’re White, You Don’t Know What It’s Like to be Poor’ (2016)

Well, Bernie Sanders sure as shootin’ doesn’t know what it’s like to be poor: that much we know. And to think this socialist fat-head would’ve been the Democrat nominee for president, if Hillary (who’s no better!) hadn’t cheated him out of it. Millions of people would have voted for this guy.


Why revisit this? Because it’s needful to remember that leftism sprouts directly from Original Sin. It is covetousness enthroned–the whole idea that anything that’s wrong in your life is someone else’s fault and the government exists to drag everybody else down to your level.

You Can’t Satirize This: ‘Chelsea’ Manning for Senate

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I cannot bring myself to post a picture of Mr. Manning, so here’s a marine iguana, instead.

So it’s come to this: a Democrat U.S. Senate primary, in Maryland, featuring a transgender loon who’s been convicted of (and served seven years in prison for) leaking confidential government documents: Brad “Chelsea” Manning (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/19/chelsea-manning-interview-wikileaks-senate-maryland).

Mr. Manning, who is not, in fact, a woman, had his “sex changed” in prison. The American people paid for it.

He runs on a platform of open borders, closing all prisons, and releasing all the inmates. Yeah, that’ll work. He’d also like to disarm the police, if not abolish police altogether.

You’d think this was something made up by a madcap satirist, but it isn’t.  Mr. Manning, says The Guardian, has “positioned herself [sic] to the left of Bernie Sanders.” We are surprised to hear there is a left of Bernie Sanders.

Please don’t say we deserve this.

When My Work Ain’t So Much Fun

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Lest anyone should envy me, I’d like to mention that I am assigned to write a review of the Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution, which he expects to accomplish with the aid of Joe Collidge and a couple million of his fellow stodents.

At the heart of this book is a proposal to make public colleges and universities tuition-free, so as to saddle–er, equip–America with the best-educated workforce in the world. This is such a mind-numbingly terrible idea, I hardly know where to begin. But along with it come such goodies as a nationwide $15/hour minimum wage, universal free healthcare, government-paid vacations for “the workers,” and a jihad against income inequality.

This guy would’ve been the Democrat presidential candidate last year if Hillary hadn’t cheated him out of it.

Granting that this kind of twaddle is only to be expected from persons who’ve done nothing in all their adult lives but loiter in the halls of government and dream up crackpot schemes to waste our money, while enriching themselves, it’s still full-blown loony. Never having tried to operate a business, never even having held a real job in their lives, they have absolutely no idea how wealth is created (by people working, for instance) and no interest in remedying their ignorance.

Page after page after page of this stuff! Most of it’s just the same old crap I heard when I was in college in the 1960s. Down with The Rich. Make Them pay for everything. We want Change. Aaaah, fa’naboli!

I think I’ll stop for now, and look for something edifying.

My Newswithviews Column, Oct. 5 (‘Coercion’s on the March’)

Well, here it is, this week’s Newswithviews column–


I really am beginning to wonder about Christians and “conservatives” who continue to believe we can reach some kind of accommodation with the Far Left.

Book Review: ‘Why Socialism Works Good’

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I have accepted an assignment from Chalcedon to review Bernie Sanders’ Guide to Political Revolution. The sacrifices I make for this ministry!

I am sure Bernie will only be following in the footsteps of a book I read many years ago: Why Socialism Works Good, by Dr. Helza Poppin, an associate professor of Nothing Studies at Pimento University (“P.U., P.U., we’re all for you!”).

“Once you makes it against the law to make a profit,” Poppin wrote, “socialism just naturally happens. Them profits they drives up prices and also they encourages people to be greedy. People they should only work for altruistic reasons like I do, for the pure growth of knowledge and also knowing things. So you see if everybody they work for free then they can all get everything they need from the government for free, and you do away with money like totally. This is very awesome.”

The book dropped out of the market when it was revealed that Dr. Poppin actually was being paid what a dean at P.U. called “an exorbitant salary, and not worth a penny of it” and that she did not, in fact, work for pure love of increasing the fund of human knowledge. Published by Pablum Books, now out of business, a new copy of Why Socialism Works Good sold for $75.99 and a used one is virtually unobtainable.

But I’ll betcha Bernie Sanders read it.

Bernie Sanders’ Own Jihad

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Less than a week after a disgruntled Democrat opened fire on Republican Congressmen playing baseball, 2016 presidential wannabe Bernie Sanders, a U.S. Senator, during a live Facebook event, urged his followers to “fight back” in “an unprecedented way”–because, he insisted, unless the Republicans are ousted from power by the Democrats, “thousands of people will die!” (http://710wor.iheart.com/content/2017-06-20-bernie-sanders-tells-his-facebook-followers-to-fight-back-in-unprecedented-ways-against-republicans-who-want-to-kill-people/)

Well, gee, Bernie–isn’t that precisely what the shooter did?

Elizabeth Warren, another kook senator, echoed his remarks.

Bernie was quick to denounce the attempted massacre–but what’s he doing now? I mean, is it okay to assassinate Republicans because “thousands of people will die” if you don’t?

Muslims aren’t the only ones on the jihad bandwagon.

Do these fools honestly think this kind of rhetoric is… helpful? Good for the country?

These Democrats are mad, crazed by their lust for power, out of their minds for having lost the last election, and driven half-berserk by having been thwarted in their plans for wiped-out borders, Global Warming, high taxes, and enforced “gender” lunacy.

Can you imagine the horror of them ever again getting control of the government?

I don’t even want to try.

I’ve Been Quoted in ‘The Times’

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Yep, here I am in The Washington Times this week, being quoted by Robert Knight (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/11/bernie-sanders-ruled-out-public-service-by-christi/) in his commentary about Bernie Sanders’ hostility to Christians.

It seems cuddly ol’ goofy Bernie isn’t so cuddly after all, if he finds out you actually hold orthodox Christian beliefs. That, he says, makes you unfit to hold any kind of public office. Running the country is reserved for atheists and Muslims, Bernie?

Oh, well. We aren’t just whistling Dixie here on this blog. Somewhere, somebody’s listening to us. And by “us” I mean all of us here, and not just me.

Socialism Has Been Good to Him!

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Say, I missed this story from last August. So much was going on, this one just slid past me.

Senator Bernie Sanders, who campaigned for the Democrat presidential nomination as a crusader against income inequality, shortly after he finally dropped out of the race, paid some $600,000 to acquire a nice new lakefront home ( http://www.snopes.com/2016/08/10/bernie-sanders-buys-summer-home/ )–just for summer vacationing, mind you.

A spokesman for the social justice warrior candidate said the senator’s purchase of a third home doesn’t in the least “devalue his progressive beliefs.” The senator also owns homes in Vermont and Washington, D.C.

Why is it that no matter what kind of government the people sign up for, a country always winds up getting run by big shots who own several homes apiece? Voted for by a lot of people who don’t even own one home, let alone three or four. How is it that being the champion of the poor can make a man so rich?

If Robin Hood had robbed from the rich and talked about helping the poor, while keeping all the loot for himself and living really high on it… he would have been a Democrat.

It’s Never Their Fault

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So we’ve all heard by now how thousands of leaked emails prove that the Democrat National Committee cheated joke candidate Bernie Sanders, and arranged for Hillary Clinton to win its presidential nomination. There’s no evidence they contemplated poisoning Sanders.

On my car radio this morning, I heard the “counter-narrative”–I’m pretty sure that means “self-serving lie”–offered by some Democrat bigwig.

The Russians are to blame.

Yep. You shouldn’t be mad at the Democrats for rigging an election. No: you should be mad at Russian hackers for blowing the whistle on them. The hackers are no better than thieves.

I dunno. They stole emails. Hillary stole a presidential nomination.

But we have heard this bizarre excuse before. Remember Climategate? Remember those thousands of leaked emails that showed the “scientists” at the East Anglia U. Climate Change Panel lying and cheating six ways from Sunday, so they could impose their will on us.

And then when it all came out, why, all the official political and nooze media indignation was directed not at the lying, cheating schlubs at East Anglia, but at the hackers! They’re to blame! They’re no better than thieves.

I dunno. They stole emails. The so-called scientists are trying to steal the whole  planet out from under us.

And so, even as the hackers wound up being the bad guys for exposing the “scientists” as scheming frauds, so the Democrats hope to spin this current scandal.

Think about it real, real hard, everybody. Do you really want these people running your country? Really?

Encountering Sheer Loopiness

Not being a mental health professional, I have never actually listened to a conversation with a genuine loon, much less tried to hold one. But going by what I’ve read, I heard the next closest thing this afternoon on my car radio.

It was a Bernie Sanders voter.

Now you can say things that are wrong, or misinformed, or intentionally deceptive, or even evil, and they will still make some kind of sense to your hearer. What you say may madden someone, maybe even provoke him to take a swing at you–but at least he will have some idea of what you’re driving at.

Not so this woman on the radio.

I have never heard an ostensibly sane person say such loopy things. I suspect a college education was at work: she took to heart the teaching that words mean whatever you want them to mean. So most of what came out of her mouth was pure indecipherable twaddle. Like, Question: What do you mean when you say you’re a progressive? Answer: “As a progressive, I reject all the labels, all those categories that keep people apart…” What’s that supposed to mean?

I listened for upwards of 20 minutes, and this is about the closest I can come to describing her position: “It’s the System that is bad, it’s corporations that keep people from loving each other–” please don’t ask me what she meant by that–“and when we get rid of all the barriers and categories and there are no more countries and there’s just one government for the whole world, it’s gonna be great, great, great!” I admit I have probably made her more coherent than she really was.

It’s distressing to think there are millions of such persons out there, all armed with votes.

But this is what I mean when I say college is destroying America.