‘A Degrading Form of Government’ (2013)

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It was not God’s will for us to be under kings, emperors, dictators, or tyrants. That was fallen man’s idea.

A Degrading Form of Government

Freedom is God’s idea–and how the fallen world resists it! To this day, and in all the days leading up to it, there are and have been puffed-up fools who want their foot on everybody’s neck. But the armed dictators of that unhappy 20th century have given way to the grinning globalists of the 21st.

They’re all the same, under the skin. You always wind up with piles of dead bodies, and the landscape full of barbed wire.

God defend us.

My Newswithviews Column, June 13 (‘Stop This Wicked Transgenderism’)

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(Please note that my original headline said “wicked foolishness.”)

“Transgender” is hot, hot, hot, these days. I don’t know why. All I know is, it has to stop.

Stop This Wicked Transgenderism

Why are “educators” so infatuated with this evil delusion? And noozies? And Democrat politicians? Do they honestly believe in it? Given the insane nature of most of the things they already believed in before this came along–like socialism, the UN, world government, open borders, etc.–I guess we’d have to say, “Yeah, probably.”

This whole movement must be utterly defeated. I don’t see how our civilization can survive if it isn’t.

When Fools Play God, You Get Measles

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“Sorry, we can’t stay and smite you, we’ve gotta get outta here–Measles is comin’ to town!”

Why are the nooze media and certain politicians fear-mongering about measles and demanding that everyone be forced to get a measles vaccine? Why are we hearing about this supposed measles apocalypse and seeing them introduce bills to wipe out religious and conscientious exemptions?

Dr. Mercola has a fascinating article about this:


When I was a boy, practically everyone got measles. I didn’t, but my brother and sister did and we all had to be quarantined. Everybody got it, but nobody died. But now we’re being told “measles kills,” and local “outbreaks” are being blamed on unvaccinated persons–with demands from the nooze media and politicians that these persons be punished for putting life on earth at risk, or something.

Some highlights from Dr. Mercola’s article:

*There is a history of measles vaccine failures reported in the science and medical literature.

*Vaccinated persons can still get “wild type” measles, sometimes without visible symptoms.

*Suddenly all the powers that be believe that measles is a terrible threat and the vaccine is “very safe and effective,” despite evidence to the contrary.

*A baby in the womb will acquire a temporary natural immunity to measles from his mother, if the mother has had measles sometime in her life–but not if the mother has had the measles vaccine. Babies born to vaccinated mothers are not immune to measles and newborns can catch it.

*First they announced they were gonna “eradicate measles” by 1967, then they announced they were gonna do it by 2000, followed with a “mission accomplished!” celebration, which was followed by measles coming back and somehow coming back stronger than it was before… so now they’re gonna eradicate it by 2020.

My conclusion is that they’re fooling around with this, playing God, and making the problem a great deal worse than it was.

But that’s part of utopian humanist ideology–which requires Science and the State to do all those things that God was supposed to do but didn’t because He doesn’t exist: but never mind, we, The Smartest People In The World, we will wipe out disease and poverty and war! Four horsemen, we’ve got you in our crosshairs!

And all they ever do is make things worse.

‘Another Really Stupid Argument for “Climate Change”‘ (2014)

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This 2014 post featured two tantrums in one: the gavone who was gonna camp out on an iceberg till it melted, thus proving Climbit Change is real and we gotta give the government absolute power, etc., and the homofascists in New Orleans threatening yours truly.

Another Really Stupid Argument for ‘Climate Change’

Theatrical gestures and personal threats are the Far Left Crazy’s substitutes for reasoning. After all, reasoning doesn’t lend itself well to arguments that are wrong, dishonest, and asinine in the first place.

Dear Firefox: Shut Up!

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Firefox has taken it upon itself to preach the pap of Far Left Crazy, and I must say I resent it. Every time I want to search for something on line, the action passes through a Firefox page which offers informative trendy mostly stupid articles. Usually it’s some kind of Climbit Change hysteria, but yesterday they hit a new low. And of course whoever runs this show for Firefox, they assume that all their users are as depraved and wacked-out as they are. You will never see a conservative item on the Firefox search page. They’re gonna lead us out of the wilderness… and into the loony bin.

Yesterday they were celebrating some 37-year-old man’s delusional “transition” into “a woman.” (Sorry, the quotation marks are strictly necessary.) I guess because it’s “Pride Month,” when you show pride in things you ought to be ashamed of. Anyway, this yop seems to have decided he’s really a “woman” after repeated readings and viewings–why do I assume he can read?–of The Hand-made’s Tail, which he took real serious-like.

Why must we be nagged and browbeaten with this ****? Why are people pushing it? Hello? Hello out there? Anybody? Uh, you do know this is wrong, don’t you–this ridiculous idea that a man can “become a woman”? I mean, you can’t all be that crazy, right? You do know that none of this is true–right?

And yet if I lived in Britain, home of the Magna Carta, I’d be on my way to jail for writing this. Not only is it wrong: it’s required. You tow the party line on this stuff, bro, or you can kiss yourself goodbye.

How did this happen? Why have we surrendered to it? Currently in the West, sodomy is virtually sacred. Woe unto anyone who questions it!

This was accomplished in less than a single human lifetime by a micro-minority who worked at it tirelessly, fanatically. Now they hold the bullhorn; now they dictate to normal people, now they set the rules.

Why did we let it happen?

Probably because we only wanted to live in peace, go about the peaceable business of our lives without boiling our brains in politics. Probably because decent people always get taken advantage of.

This stuff really has to stop.

‘Loopy Lib: Use Baby Parts for Dog Food’ (2015)

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We were shocked this year to see Democrats go full-throttle for late-term abortion–killing babies even as they’re being born. But heck–four years ago, Geraldo Rivera wanted to use babies for dog food.

Loopy Lib: Use Baby Parts for Dog Food

There’s something about the intense self-hatred of liberals that always wants to consume everything and everyone else around them. Of course, Geraldo defended his extravagant remarks, saying “That’s how science gets done.”

Maybe he’d like to bring back the Aztec religion.

Gillette Boards the ‘Trans’ Express

Why do private companies and corporations always hop aboard whatever bandwagon of perversion is about to leave the station?

Are the Gillette board of directors honestly convinced that a girl can “transition” into a boy? Really? If they are, they are deluded. And if they don’t believe it–why produce this commercial? I can’t think of a single sane or wholesome reason for it.

Because truth must be heard, it must be stated again that there is no such thing as “transgender.” There are only deluded people who say they are. You can have surgery and hormones from now till Doomsday, and every chromosome in your body will remain either male or female, just as they were when you were in the womb.

I have never in my life seen anything pushed so fanatically, so fast, as the “transgender” movement. Nor have I ever seen any movement whose premise was so flagrantly unreal.

O Lord our God! Remember that these things are done without our consent, against our will, and over our objections! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

‘Wacko Mayor Pushes for Meatless City’ (2016)

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Europe always makes me glad to be an American.

Actually, I don’t know how this turned out–the mayor of Turin, Italy, trying to force her whole city to be vegetarian.

Wacko Mayor Pushes for Meatless City

But she had a “manifesto”! Every schmendrick on the planet has a manifesto. In fact, it’s getting hard to be a mere putz without a manifesto.

I can’t explain why certain individuals want to control other people’s lives, even to deciding what those others can or can’t eat. It’s a mental disorder affecting 100% of liberals and globalists.

Incidentally, Turin has a reputation as an unofficial capital of Satanism.

Update: There is no update. I can’t find a follow-up story.

But you will be pleased to know that being a vegetarian will Stop Climbit Change And Save The Planet.

Save the Planet–Stop Working! (?)

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Who’s going to pay for his couch.

Climate Change hysteria is alive and well in the United Kingdom.

An alleged “think tank” says Brits have to convert to a nine-hour work week–yep, they said nine hours–in order to meet the “greenhouse gas targets set for the UK by the United Nations” (https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/780956/britain-nine-hour-week-work-greenhouse-gas-emissions-united-nations).

Or else! Or else “face climate change chaos that could ruin the world.”

And we know we can believe this because the findings are based on UN data! Seriously, would the UN ever lie to you?

The major problem here, prattles the think tank spokescreature, is “the huge carbon footprint of business.” Clearly the solution is to cut “business”–that is, the creation of wealth–way, way back. Stop working! And besides, robots can do most or even all of the work from now on, leaving human beings free to die of boredom or starvation. Then, UN be praised, we’ll have a “green sustainable society”!

Day after day they keep it up; and the sad thing is, a lot of people are believing it. Especially young people, the victims of a purposely inept public education system. It never occurs to anybody to ask why, if the Climate Change gloom-and-doomsters believe their own message, they continue to zoom all over the place in private jets, live in colossal mansions, and buy incredibly expensive beachfront homes around Dubai.

They don’t believe a single word of what they’re selling us.

Wake up.

Defund the colleges and universities

Restore local control of schools–or else just pull your kids out of there and educate them either at home or at a Christian school.

Defund the UN. Kick it out of New York.

Wake up politically–and vote every Far Left Crazy screwball out of office.

‘It Takes a Collective to Raise Your Child’ (2013)

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Don’t you wish I were just making this up? I do!

Please don’t think these people have gone away, just because we’ve got Donald Trump in the White House.

They still want to puree our civilization.

It Takes a Collective to Raise Your Child!

One of the things Far Left Crazy has been trying to do for the last hundred years is wipe out the family and replace it with God knows what. The Soviet Union has fallen, and Red China is more fascist than communist–but American commies are still on board the program.

We are never more than one election away from them taking over for good.