‘Your Tax $$ at Work: the Columbia U. School of Climate Change Hysteria’ (2014)

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This is what’ll happen if you don’t give the government fantastic new powers to control your lives!

Far Left Crazy will never drop the ball on “Climate Change.” It’s their ticket to ride, the blanket excuse for extending the strangling grasp of government in every direction. And the colleges and universities help them do it. Like so:

Your Tax $$ at Work: the Columbia U. School of Climate Change Hysteria

Yeah–when you’ve got no facts, got no logic, there’s always hysteria.

I really hate this Save The Planet preaching from the same shysters who are busy paving over every square inch of it. You should see what liberals have done to New Jersey.

“Educators” and tyrants–perfect together.

‘Can We Sink Any Lower Than This?’ (2015)

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Clap your hands and cheer for abortion!

Don’t ever let a Democrat get away with denying that his party loves abortion. Killing babies is a sacrament of leftism.

Can We Sink Any Lower Than This?

It’s only recently that the mask has slid off, as states under Democrat control, one by one, attempt to institute “live birth abortion,” a progressive euphemism for premeditated murder.

Here’s how it works. Bent politicians grant Planned Parenthood half a billion dollars of taxpayers’ money every year. Then, when some abortion-happy reprobate runs for governor anywhere, Planned Parenthood contributes a piece of that money to his campaign. This is why Congress won’t defund Planned Parenthood.

This is a moral and spiritual pollution of our nation.

Infanticide Governor Got $2 Million in Campaign Cash from Planned Parenthood

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(Thanks to Susan for the news tip.)

This is a bit rich, isn’t it?

Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia, who earlier this year supported a “live birth abortion” bill in his state, received almost $2 million in campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood Virginia (https://bigleaguepolitics.com/governor-who-endorsed-infanticide-received-2-million-from-planned-parenthood/), according to news sources.

“Live birth abortion” means killing the baby as it’s being born, or shortly afterward. It is a Democrat euphemism for infanticide. After the rest of the country found out about it, the bill was defeated in the Virginia legislature.

Northam received $1,996,346 from Planned Parenthood Virginia, most of it during his 2017 campaign for governor. Nice, huh? Our politicians donate half a billion dollars of our tax money, per year, to Planned Parenthood, and then get some of it back from Planned Parenthood when they run for office.

Northam got out from under the infanticide scandal when his old college yearbook pictures showed him posing in blackface and being all palsy with a couple of guys in KKK outfits. The resulting brouhaha diverted attention from Northam’s support for the infanticide bill. And waddaya know–he’s still in office.

These things will continue to happen for as long as American voters permit Democrats to hold elective office.

What a Load of Crap

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What? No more funds for Gender Studies? You’ve got to be kidding!

You’ve got to give the Far Left Crazy credit: owning the media, they don’t let it sit unused. They use it each and every day, to try to lure normal people into folly.

Today I couldn’t run a search without getting, on the Bing search page, a come-on for an article with the bloviating title, Viktor Orban’s War on the Intellect, from the Far Left Crazy rag, The Atlantic.


The author’s hysteria was showing: “Like Pol Pot or Josef Stalin–” oh, please–“Orban dreams of liquidating the intelligentsia…”

How, just how, was Orban, the president of Hungry, going to do that?

Why, by withdrawing public funds from universities! By refusing to pay for any more Gender Studies degree programs! That’s how he’s gonna be “liquidating the intelligentsia.” Not a dry eye in the house…

Where is it written that any country has to lavish public funding upon a whole class of academic nonentities whose only function is to serve as a Greek chorus of yes-men to the Far Left Crazy? In our country, that would be the Democrat Party. In Europe, assorted globalists. Same thing. And putting a stop to the gravy train is the same as “liquidating” them?

But see, Orban is the bad guy and his efforts to stop wasting money on the universities is only the latest manifestation of the world-wide struggle between “human rights” and “nationalism.” What bunk. This is a fine example of a false dichotomy. Dude, you has to choose! You can have either human rights, or your own country–not both. Only a bunch of college professors would think we couldn’t see through that. But sane people know that having their own countries is protection against the kind of incredible tyranny that would accompany any global government. The dichotomy is not only false, but has an evil intent.

The author laments President Orban’s effort to “chase” Central European University out of Hungary. It’s a private university owned and operated by rent-a-riot king George Soros–the Jabba the Hutt of globalism. The villain who wants to “remake” nations according to his own authoritarian dreams. Our nation, too–big-time. But we are here asked to believe that President Orban is the bad guy and Soros, that spider, the good guy. It is profoundly insulting, to be asked such a thing.

What Orban is doing in Hungary would be a very, very good thing to be doing here! He is pulling public money out of universities. We ought to do the same!

Do these self-anointed fat-heads honestly think we can’t do without them? Let them put whatever they think they have to offer on the open market, and see who buys it.

I’m betting hardly anyone.

‘Culture-Killers: Your Local Public Library’ (2016)

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The first time I ever visited the public library, I took out a book about termites.

Those times have changed.

Culture-Killers: Your Local Public Library

The American Library Assn. is enthusiastically complicit in the campaign to kill our culture and replace it with God knows what. Most of the time I don’t even think they know: they just do it as a kind of blind leftid instinct for corruption.

I can’t imagine how someone would even try to explain how this is in any way a good idea; and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be better for hearing it.

The Horror of Sheer Godlessness

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I wish I could remember which of you recommended this movie to us. Feel free to remind me.

The Circle is a 2017 techno-thriller starring Emma Watson (Harry Potter) and Tom Hanks (Far Left Crazy). It received an awful lot of bad reviews (somebody called it “the reason people hate Hollywood”), but I would call it a timely, worthwhile horror movie. One might even say an appalling horror movie.

Watson plays a young woman, nobody special, who lands a job with The Circle, the world’s biggest media corporation, a social media colossus reminiscent of Google, not to mention Scientology meets Amway–with the Tower of Babel and Revelation thrown in. Hanks, playing the lord high CEO of The Circle, sums up its philosophy succinctly: “Knowing things is good. But knowing everything is better!”

And so you have this hi-tech amoeba spreading out to engulf everybody, and we’re all cool with that because once the sum total of human knowledge and experience is gathered into one place and digitized, etc., “We will reach our full potential” (God forbid!) and be able to do everything and solve every single problem in the world. Indeed, there will be nothing too trivial for The Circle to sink its fangs into. There will be no more privacy: because having a personal experience not shared by everybody in the world is “selfish.”

But this is where Satan takes us, with his promise that “ye shall be as gods.” He always takes us there! A less deserving object of worship than ourselves should be, for anyone not totally off his chump, impossible to imagine.

It’s almost as hard to imagine how horrible it would be to live in a world from which privacy has literally been eradicated. The Circle has even succeeded in making membership mandatory and getting the government to require everyone to vote–a little fantasy which President *Batteries Not Included used to kick around.

The Circle abounds with babble about “democracy,” abundantly demonstrating why our country’s founders had a horror of it, and did everything in their power to give us a republic instead. Or you could read The Peloponnesian War, Thucydides’ eyewitness account of the political hysteria that led to the civic suicide of Athens.

Maybe we don’t want to be “connected” with everyone else in the world. Maybe we don’t want to know what Joe Blow in Brazzaville had for supper that night. Maybe we absolutely no way want a global government, or a global anything for that matter.

The last time we tried this, building the Tower of Babel, God came down and confounded our language. It was an act of mercy. He was protecting us from those who would devour us alive.

If He has to do it again, it won’t be pretty.


‘Why I am a Liberal’ (Oh, Boy!)

Today I bit the bullet and tried to read a piece from the Bolshevik rag, The Nation, entitled “Why I am a Liberal.” After all, said the teaser, liberals have always led the struggle for freedom and liberty everywhere in the world. But then they wanted me to disable my ad blocker before I could read the whole thing, and it just didn’t seem worth doing.

Besides, I’ve already heard a number of answers to this perplexing question.

“I am a liberal because I don’t have the common sense that God gave an inchworm.”

“I am a liberal because I think all that stuff they’re doing in Venezuela is really, really cool and I want to see them do it here!”

“I am a liberal because my parents didn’t love me.”

“I am a liberal because a whole lot of smart people are liberals and I want to be like them.”

“I am a liberal because I want free stuff from the government.”

“I am a liberal because people who aren’t liberals are, like, totally stupid and we need a very big government to control them.”

“I am a liberal because Mayor De Blasio or somebody said we need the government to order our view of reality. Or something like that.”

“I am a liberal because Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is and I think she’s really hot.”

“I am a liberal because we need for people to be sorted into identity groups and ranked according to their respective degrees of victimhood. And I hope that sounded smart!”

“I am a liberal because all my professors in college told me I’d better be or I wouldn’t get good grades.”

“I am a liberal because I want to run the country and tell everybody what they can or can’t say, think, and do.”

As you can see, there are many compelling reasons to be a liberal–the list could go on til Doomsday, if I let it. I said “compelling,” not “good.” There’s just no accounting for what compels people.

Here Comes the Internet Censor!

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But in Britain they don’t have a First Amendment…

Well, the UK is preparing to anoint an “internet czar” to rein in the social media, promote “internet safety,” whatever that is, and prevent “online harms,” whatever they are (https://www.cnet.com/news/uk-to-keep-social-networks-in-check-with-internet-safety-regulator/).

Yessir, they’re gonna set up a “regulator” who will have the power to shut down any sites on the internet where they find any of the following: 1) inciting violence and spreading violent content; 2) encouraging self-harm or suicide (Are you listening, Netflix?); 3) spread of “disinformation and fake news,” whatever that may be; 4)cyber-bullying; 5) children accessing “inappropriate material” (eye-of-the-beholder alert); and 6) child exploitation and abuse content.

To some, “violence” is defined as any failure to agree with their Far Left delusions. To governments, and especially to Democrats, “fake news” is anything they don’t want you to know about, or anything that makes them look bad: but if it’s aimed at Donald Trump, no problem. As for “inappropriate material,” grade school libraries are full of fornication-celebrating “young readers” books.

Do you trust politicians to decide what you can or can’t say on the Internet?

I’d love to hear Brett Kavanaugh’s take on some of this.


‘Global Warming Wacko: “Terminate Industrial Civilization” (2015)

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I’m revisiting this 2015 post because, instead of giving up the whole scheme and going back to the drawing board, Far Left Crazy has doubled down on Climate Change and its whole climate cult–that is, if it’s even possible to double down on boiling-over lunatic misanthropy.

Global Warming Wacko: ‘Terminate Industrial Civilization’

Meanwhile, the chieftains of the cult keep on building shorefront mansions in Dubai, flying to Davos in private jets, and every day demonstrating that they themselves don’t believe a single word of what they’re selling to the masses.

Dude, believe me, we can see through this.

World’s gonna end because of Climate Change, unless you give us all sorts of absolute powers + “open borders” + “education” that makes you stupid = Global Government!

You don’t really think John Kerry can outsmart anybody, do you?

Good Guys Win Lawsuit against Obamacare Abortion Rule

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Winner by a TKO: James Dobson

This just in: a federal judge in Denver has ruled in favor of James Dobson’s Focus on the Family organization, finding that the government does not have the authority to force the Christian pro-family group to provide insurance coverage for abortions (https://www.wnd.com/2019/03/obamacare-fail-christian-ministry-protected-from-abortion-mandate/).

In 2014 Dobson sued the federal government over the Obamacare “abortion mandate,” and refused to pay anything at all, in any form, for abortion. “Come and get me if you must, Mr. President,” said Dobson. “I will not bow before your wicked legislation.”

The judge found the “mandate”–I’m really growing to hate that word–violated the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. That it also violates the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom was not mentioned in the ruling. Anyway, the good guys won and the bad guys lost.

The fight will continue, of course, in courtrooms throughout the land: Democrats are high on abortion and tirelessly promote it. In fact, they’ve ratcheted it up to include out-and-out infanticide.

They have to be defeated. Utterly, totally, and for good.