State DMV Goes Ballistic over ‘KUMQUAT’ License Plate

Kumquats–somebody’s idea of politically incorrect fruit

Further proof that government, at all levels, has too much of our money, can’t think of constructive uses for it, and needs to be cut back:

A woman in North Carolina with a vanity license plate that said KUMQUAT, as in the fruit, was warned by the state’s Motor Vehicle Dept. that they had received “complaints”–note the plural–“that the plate is offensive and in poor taste.” ( ) The driver was given 30 days to notify the state, in writing, “what the word ‘kumquat’ means to you,” and it had better be good or else we’ll revoke your license plate.

The state has a policy of threatening anyone whose plate is the object of a complaint, no matter how idle, frivolous, baseless, moronic, or unfounded the complaint may  be. “Policy” is bureaucrat-speak for “We check our brains at the door.”

In this case the state of North Carolina withdrew the threat when it was proved to them that “kumquat” really is just a fruit, and not a term of racist or homophobic or whatevuh abuse.

Actually, they do taste pretty bad.

When Fools Play God

Image result for the golden calf

What do all of these have in common–safe space, hate speech laws, “affirming” and “celebrating” whatever aberrant “lifestyle” anyone can think of, vaccinating infants for every disease under the sun, and claiming that government action and policies can control the earth’s natural processes and prevent “Climate Change”?

All of these, and more, flow naturally, inevitably, from the cockeyed humanist project to set man up in place of God: and for “man” read “government.”

To out-do God in being God, these people seek to remove any and all challenges from life. Don’t take my word for it: read “the Humanist Manifesto II.” ( “Using technology wisely,” we can wipe out disease, direct the course of human evolution, end war and poverty, and blah-blah-blah.

They can’t promise eternal life and forgiveness of sins (“Not yet, not yet–but we’re working on it!”), but for the time being they can transform the world into a secular paradise in which nothing bad ever happens–not even bad weather. And if perchance it does, well, it must be somebody’s fault it happened, and the government will soon take care of it.

This from people who would be hard-put to organize a softball tournament.

This is what we get from leaders and wise men who abandon God–now they’re the ones who have to be God! But don’t worry, it’s just bound to work: because they’re so smart, their intentions are so good, and anyhow human beings are naturally good and that will become apparent as soon as our masters engineer all the bugs out of the system. The problem is not original sin, oh, no! It’s just that our environment has been so screwed up by capitalism, racism, sexism, White Privilege, and yes, you bet, by Religion in general and Christianity in particular… and once we get rid of all that stuff, you’ll see heaven on earth.

But they have to prove they can do it–hence all these policies and programs to take all the struggle, all the stress, all the pain, and all the disappointment out of life: because if God were half as smart as they are, He never would’ve created such a defective world.

It started in the Garden of Eden and it’s still going strong today.

And Heaven help us if we’re fool enough to trust these people.


A Grim Little Insight from History

Image result for images of the fall of rome

Consider this quote by Edward Gibbon, from The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter XV:

“The incapacity of a weak and distracted government may often assume the appearance and produce the effects of a treasonable correspondence with the public enemy.”

Which, I think, explains why we are so often moved to ask, concerning our own national leaders today, “Are they wrecking the country on purpose?”

As Gibbon summed up the causes that led directly to the fall of Rome, he noted:

*The destruction of the middle class, leaving only a small stratum of the super-rich and a vast population of the intractably poor, most of them on welfare.

*Public entertainment that became a substitute for work and family life.

*Wave after wave of invading barbarians–many of whom had been invited into Italy by the Roman authorities themselves. And why? As our own leaders might have put it, “to do work that Romans won’t do.”

Does any of this sound at all familiar?

If history is sometimes boring, it is also sometimes shocking.

Feds Ease Up on Order to Schools to Go Transgender

Oops! They went a tiny bit too far, too fast, and now the Obama administration has to throttle back on its “order” to public schools in America to let boys into the girls’ bathrooms or else: so instead of an order, now it’s just a “letter of guidance” from the Justice Dept.–what???–and the Dept. of Education ( ).

Remember when the Justice Dept. used to go after guys like Al Capone? Now they go after people who are a bit slow to hop aboard the transgender express.

The “letter of guidance” admonishes schools to allow any kid to use any bathroom according to his, her, or its “gender identification,” which is to be whatever the student says it is on any given day. It comes with a veiled threat to cut off federal funds to any school district that won’t let the boys stand over the girls while they pee.

Excuse me? Did I just hear you say you weren’t going to vote for Donald Trump, or you just won’t vote at all, and you don’t care if Hillary Clinton is elected president?

Remember what not voting for Romney (warts and all) got you.

Some Thoughts on Cats and Cucumbers

Why are so many cats so scared of cucumbers? It ought to be investigated, and here are some of the questions that should be asked.

Would the cat be startled by any object that you surreptitiously placed behind him while he was eating, or is it just cucumbers?

Would she be afraid of the cucumber if you first called it to her attention while still holding it, and then put it down where she could see it?

Do objects that look like cucumbers produce a strong reaction?

Are the cats who are startled by cucumbers easily startled in other circumstances?

Whatever you do, don’t contact your Congressman and ask him to get the government to fund a study of cats being scared of cucumbers. He will only wonder, while hastening to spend the money, why he didn’t think of that before.



Let the Government Drive Your Car?

“Leave the driving to us!”

Automobile and traffic experts recently told the government to slow way, way down in its push to put us all into driverless, computer-guided cars ( ).

Granted, there are an awful lot of people who shouldn’t be allowed even to touch a steering wheel. But as always the government favors a one-size-fits-all approach. For the sake of the ninnies who are a menace on the highway, they want all the cars to be “self-driving.”

Because that way they can hook your car up with Big Brother and then they can control it instead of you.

The experts warned the National Highway Safety Administration that the robo-cars are not anywhere near as safe as the government thinks they are: there are still a lot of bugs in the system.

Do you think our beloved leaders care if the cars are safe or not? The very idea of exerting that much control over ordinary people’s ordinary lives is, to them, pure ecstasy.

Tell you what. Let’s save tons of time and effort, and ask our beloved rulers just to list the things they don’t want to control.

You could probably fit it onto the back of a fortune cookie slip.

The Problem of Poverty: Solved!

Nice sidewalks make for nice neighborhoods!

Thanks to Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx, we finally know the chief cause of poverty in America.

Is it fatherless homes? Nah. Endemic drug use? Uh-uh, not even close. Is it the presence of a persistently criminal subculture? Really lousy education? Crooked politicians? None of the above.

The chief cause of poverty, sez the Sec, is… lack of sidewalks ( ).

See, you can’t achieve the American Dream–whatever that is, anymore–unless you’ve got nice sidewalks in your neighborhood. Because sidewalks, Foxx babbled, are not just a means to get you from one place to another. Sidewalks are about “getting you to a better life.”

Augh! It’s gotta be a dream, please can I wake up now…

(Thanks to Linda for calling this news item to our attention.)

Feed the Kiddies Like Mrs. O Says, or Else

Let’s see, now… What item of inane and frustrating news can I find that’ll crank up my blood pressure today?

Oh, I’ve got it! The federal government has threatened to fine schools that don’t comply with Michelle Obama’s diktat on what foods the children in the cafeteria can and can’t eat ( ).

The Food and Nutrition Service, an agency of our beloved federal government, it has been reported (see link above), is “targeting schools that refuse to comply with Mrs. Obama’s lunch rules.”

So, the Worst Lady, whom no one voted for, who has never been appointed to or confirmed in any official position, and who is accountable to absolutely no one, has been given the power to decide what food shall be served to millions of children in America’s public schools.

How delightfully Third World of us!

It’s covered with a facade of legislation, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act–and who would dare vote against a bill with a name like that?

Naturally, as is only to be expected of anything done by this administration, the kids are now hungrier than ever because they don’t like Obama-fare and refuse to eat it.

Had enough yet, anybody?

Now I’ve Heard Everything

Hey, those guys from Al Jazeera were right! Obama really is crazy–and so is everyone that works for him.

Under our–ahem!–president, the Pentagon has ordered commanders to “prioritize climate change” in all military operations of any kind ( ). The order requires commanders to “incorporate Climate Change impacts into plans and operations,” which is supposed to empower the U.S. military to “beat back the threat” of Global Warming/Climate Change.

What does any of this mean?

Why does it leave me with an image of a headline, “June 6, 2016: D-Day! Today, after 72 years of calculating the invasion of Europe’s impact on Climate Change, General Dwight D. Eisenhower ordered the operation to proceed–which it surely would have done, if he and almost all his men hadn’t already died of old age some years ago”? Sorry, Europe, but it just takes so blamed long to figure out all the angles of this Global Warming stuff…

Bunker Hill, 2016: “Don’t fire until you can see the whites of their eyes! And not until after you’ve worked out all the Climate Change impacts of each bullet fired…”

Is our nation really expected to survive such… leadership? I see defensive positions being overrun and the men hacked to pieces while some overburdened second lieutenant tries to figure out what his orders mean. “Do we fight or do we run away? Shoot or not shoot? Man, I don’t wanna get court-martialed because I didn’t prioritize the Climate Change!”

Inertia will keep us alive a little longer. But you  can’t be crazy forever. Sooner or later it’ll catch up with you. And it’s gonna be a bad day when it does.


New Career Path! Get Paid for Not Committing Crimes


When I was a boy, I knew a kid whose grandfather paid him a dollar a day not to have a tantrum. Amazingly enough, there were days he didn’t bother to earn his dollar.

Look, folks, here, I’ve found it–the liberal/progressive Holy Grail.

Pay people for not committing crimes ( ).

Our energetic brains in Washington, D.C., are proposing to do just that. You take a year of “therapy,” whatever that might be, and if, at the end of the year, you haven’t committed a crime–payday!

The city council have not disclosed how much they mean to pay these persons for not committing crimes. But a similar program in Richmond, California, pays $9,000 a year.

Is that taxable? And what do you answer when someone asks, “Occupation?”

This could be big, though–really big! Combine it with universal free college tuition and universal free healthcare–remember, they only have to tax “the rich” to pay for it all, and “the rich” will just stand there and get raped, they won’t flee the country–and you’ve got Utopia.

The things you can think of, riding in a limo or a private jet!

P.S.–I forgot to mention that it ain’t just anybody who would qualify for these payments. You and me, for instance: we wouldn’t qualify. The recepients have to be “at risk” of committing a crime, so the money would go to well-known low-lifes, ne’er-do-wells, and assorted offenders with police records. You and I would only qualify to do the paying, with our tax dollars.