So Listen to the Webinar, Why Dontcha

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My wife has just listened to my 2016 “webinar” with Andrea Schwartz and pronounced it very interesting. She’s never wrong about things like that, so it’ll probably interest you, too, if you give it a chance. I posted it on this blog earlier this morning, so you can easily find it on the home page. If you’re reading this, you’re probably on the home page now. Funny how that works out.

I hope nobody minds if I don’t report on politics this weekend–which I will do, of course, if I think I have to. But only if I have to. I’m feeling just a bit used-up. I think I’d be the better for a nice cigar, followed by a movie. It’s raining, so I’ll need my umbrella.

I do enjoy doing interviews, but no one’s asked me to do one lately.

‘Here’s the Webinar! “Thoughts on Being a Writer”‘ (2016)

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I did this webinar with Andrea Schwartz for Chalcedon, so if you can stand the sound of my voice for 50 minutes, well, here you are!

Here’s the Webinar! ‘Thoughts on Being a Writer’

I’ve done a lot of interviews about my books, but this was the first time I’d ever talked with anyone who’d actually read them. That made it more fun.

Anyway, here I am. Enjoy the conversation.

‘Cherry-Picking at Our Peril’

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In the Ancient Near East, there was no universally-accepted calendar. The same kinds of “discrepancies” are found in every kingdom’s annals.

In this April 30 Chalcedon blog post, Mark Rushdoony tackles the question of whether the Bible is accurate as to matters of historical fact.

Critics like to point to supposed “discrepancies” within the Bible: for example, when it comes to stating how many years were in the reign of a king of Israel or Judah. At that point in world history, there was no widely-accepted standard of timekeeping, no universal calendar. Nor, within the same kingdom, was there any agreement as to when a king’s reign actually began or ended. So naturally the numbers will differ, here and there.

The point is, the Bible is 100% reliable and, as the Word of God, 100% authoritative–even when we can’t understand some of the historical details.

If your faith stands or falls by how well the numbers tally in Kings and Chronicles, there’s not much to it.

‘Irrational Humanism’ Explained

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I’ve been waiting eagerly to share this with you!

Why is the Far Left Crazy so crazy? Why are we confronted with so much sheer loopiness–“transgender,” “open borders,” “everything is racist,” and so on, endlessly–which, far from landing its proponents in the madhouse where they belong, are offered to us as genuine public policy options? Options that we’d seize in a New York minute, if we weren’t racists and biggits etc.

Mark Rushdoony explains it clearly and convincingly. It’s their ideology that makes them so patently irrational. In their Darwin-inspired world view, chaos and revolution equal “progress,” and it’s always a good thing to tear down the old to make place for the new–never mind their relative merits, new is always better!

There is a method in their madness.

That’s why they must be utterly defeated. May God equip us for that righteous task!

‘Unplanned’ Movie Review

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Chalcedon’s Andrea Schwartz has reviewed what is surely going to be one of the most talked-about movies of the year: Unplanned.

It’s the story of a woman who went from abortion receiver, to Planned Parenthood volunteer, then Planned Parenthood officer–and finally, pro-life activist.

I wonder if the movie-makers knew that at roughly the same time as their movie would come out, Democrats in several state would be moving beyond abortion into actual infanticide.

O Lord our God! Remember that these things are done without our consent, against our will, and over our objections. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

‘Public Schools’ “Social Justice Education” Cloaks Marxist Teaching’

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It’s not just a scary movie

Chalcedon’s editors re-ran this article today: “Although written 12 years ago, this piece by Lee Duigon lays out what has been in progress for a long time.”

Far Left Crazy has had twelve years, since I wrote this, to continue their work of turning America’s public schools into left-wing indoctrination mills, complete with “teachers’ collectives,” ideologically-saturated lesson plans, and “social justice academies” within the schools. And students at more than a few teachers’ colleges have to prove they’re on board the socialist express if they want to get certified.

Our whole country should be certified, for putting up with this. And paying for it!

I hardly dare speculate as to how far this folly was advanced during the eight years Obama & Co. owned the government.

Nothing has done our country more harm than its public education system.

Get your kids out now.


“No Weapon Formed Against Thee Shall Prosper”

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Esther and the Persian king

One of the hardest lessons for us to learn, in such an evil and confusing age as this, is how to walk by faith and not by sight: because if we walk only by sight, most of what we see is bad. Mark Rushdoony discussed this in his blog post yesterday.

The Book of Esther, in which the name of God does not appear, shows how God governs history, intervening at need. Our God created us with free will and respects it, even when our will is bent to evil: but he will not let evil prosper in the long run. As Isaiah said, “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper” (Is. 54:17).

How many times would God’s people have been wiped off the face of the earth, had He not intervened? As history, the Bible offers many examples of this truth.

And we do well to learn them.

‘The Modern Selling of Indulgences’

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Andrea Schwartz, Chalcedon’s resident homeschooling analyst, has likened today’s college admissions scandal to the old, corrupt practice of “indulgences” sold by the Church to get the buyer out of being punished for his sins.

In either case, you got what you wanted–as long as you could pay for it. So kids who have no business being in college can go to the top prestige schools in the land, once their parents ante up.

“It is wrong to feed the godless propaganda machine that the university has become,” Andrea says. To which I would add, not only wrong, but actively dangerous to the health and survival of our nation.

‘Humanist Doomsday Myth Scares Children’ (2009)

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See? They’ve been doing it for years–scaring children (and adults) with their global warming gloom and doom. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn’t invent it.

In 2009 a poll found “one in three children” aged six to eleven “fear the demise of the planet.” I interviewed the head honcho of “Habitat Heroes,” who tried very hard to distance himself from the scare merchants. Judge for yourselves whether he succeeded.

What we have with the Climate Change scam is a humanist, no-God-involved, End Times scenario. And if there’s any God in it at all, it’s a weak, pitiful God who can only wring His hands as we destroy His creation by driving cars, having air conditioners, and using toilet paper.

It’s ten years later and they’re still at it. Shame on us for allowing them to scare us with it.

Book Review: ‘Crimes of the Educators’

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Chalcedon has published my review of Crimes of the Educators, by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman.

Sam Blumenfeld was one of the pioneers of homeschooling in America, and he worked his heart out teaching phonics and trying to undo the havoc wrought on young minds by the faddish “whole language” method, which left so many of its victims illiterate. But that–which some of the education theorists who pushed it now admit has been a “disaster”–is only one of public education’s multitude of crimes.

It would be hard to name another institution which has done more harm to our country than public education–although our nooze media are doing their utmost to catch up.

Anyhow, it’s all in the book review. Happy landings.