A Quick Question

Cat Speech Bubble Question Mark - Free photo on Pixabay

Most of you know computers better than I do, so maybe somebody out there can explain this to me.

Every day for the past week or so, I find my viewership down 50 to 75 views per day. This is discouraging, to say the least. Why do you suppose this is happening? Is Big Tech burying us at the bottom of the search engines? I haven’t received any scolding messages from anywhere.

Anyway, I’d like to know if it’s something I can fix.

Thank you.

We whant Moar Censershipp!!!

Let's Talk About "Censorship"

I amb hear to Tell yiu “that” Amairicka kneeds Moar Censershipp espatially of Amairickins and aslo espatially of Lee that bumb!!! Do yiu know “he” is Wrighting anether “one” “of” those Boocks that No Boddy thay shoodnt be not aloud “to” Reed??? Do yiu know his Boocks “thay” are Un-Constatoocionull??? Its ture!!! His Boocks thay got God in themb and peple Praying and no Trans Ginder Amairickins even thoh “thare” “are” at leest 85 Millyin “of” themb!!!

Jist thinck “waht” A Grate Cuontry this hear it wood Be if we hadded Moar Sensershipp and No Boddy cood Ever “say” hat speach and Micro Grecians or Anny Thing elsa!!!! Jist thinck how Grate it wood “be” iff Evry Boddy thay wood jist Shut Upp axept for us who is “in” Collidge it”s OK foar Us to say stufff becose “we” are Introllecturals!!!! Ownly reel Smart peeple like us at Collidge shood say things “and” all themb ordrinay dum peeple themb Dee-Plorabbles thay “shood” al jist not say Nothing!!!!

It “is” Censershipp waht maid the combunits cuontries So Grate,, “and” How can yiu evver has Sosiallism iff thare “is” No Censershipp???

My Nothing Studdies prefesser she sayed waht we “reely knead” is somb Masheen “that” gets hooked Up “to” yore Brane and wil Give yiu a Lectrick Shock wenevver “yiu” Thinck Sombthing Bad!!!!! It wood “be” eevin Bettor if No Boddy hadded no Branes at all!!! Branes ownly “get” yiu In trubble Anyway!!! Lookit Jo Byden,, he gets By “jist” fyne with-Out no Brane!!

We reely has got to “get Rid of” all Boocks “that” Are Nott a-prooved by the Stoodint Soviet!!!!!


They’re Banning ‘Gatsby’ Again

Amazon.com: The Great Gatsby: Robert Redford, Mia Farrow, Bruce ...

A couple of years ago, some of our, um, colleges banned it. Now a local school board in Alaska has banned it–one of the great books in American literature, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby (https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/495174-alaska-school-board-removes-the-great-gatsby-i-know-why-the-caged-bird). For its “controversial content,” don’t you know–“language and sexual references.”

Doh! “Sexual references”? Has the school board looked at its own K-12 sex education curriculum lately? Holy cow! It’s practically the Kama Sutra. Gatsby would have to be about a hundred times dirtier just to be in the same area code as “sex ed.”

They banned five books. The only other one that I’ve read was Catch-22, banned because characters who are guys in the army talk and act like guys in the army. I read it in college. On one memorable occasion in the classroom, the instructor was reading a particularly vivid passage aloud when one of the students fainted. We all thought he was kidding at first–but nope, he really fainted.

When I was in high school in the Late Bronze Age, everything on our required reading list was just plain boring. Silas Marner–which was worse, that or The Forsyte Saga? I think they were trying to put us off reading, permanently.

Up in Alaska, the five banned books were cut from the reading list of the High School English Elective Curriculum.

Just to show you where their heads were at, the school board’s vice president said of Gatsby, “If I were to read this in a corporate environment, I would be dragged into EO.” I think “EO” means “Economic Opportunity”–sort of a workplace thought police. You don’t want to be reading novels that’d suggest you were an Enemy Of The People.

As a high school student, I’m sure I would not have been mature enough to appreciate The Great Gatsby. If I were a public high school student today, I would already be up to my eyebrows in lurid sexual content and foul language: our popular culture is a polluted pond, and we’re the fish stuck swimming in it. How any single book would even be noticed in the avalanche of filth that’s dumped on us every day, is more than I know.

Meanwhile, the local bookstores say these titles have suddenly begun flying off the shelves.

My Newswithviews Column,Feb. 6 (‘A Cornucopia of Tyranny’)

Image result for images of censorship

There’s no excuse for not knowing what Democrats have in store for us, if they ever get back in power. They’ve made it quite clear.

A Cornucopia of Tyranny

See, you won’t be allowed to disbelieve in The Climate Crisis, or transgender, or a lot of other things, anymore. At least, you certainly won’t be allowed to say you disbelieve in it.

If liberals ever discover how to get inside your brain and weed out all Bad Thoughts, they’ll do it in a New York minute.

Germany’s Version of ‘Free Speech’

See the source image

Cute and cuddly, happy puppies!

Some countries in the Free World aren’t as free as they ought to be. Germany springs immediately to mind. It seems they just can’t kick their old authoritarian habit.

Germany already has a harsh “hate speech” law, enacted last year. But Chancellor Angela Merkel sounds like she wants to make it even more harsh (https://townhall.com/columnists/ianhaworth/2019/12/02/angela-merkel-and-german-freedom-of-speech-n2557309). In a speech she gave last week, she said, “Expressing an opinion does not come with zero cost.”

In fact, under Germany’s hate speech law, the cost is a fine of up to 50 million euros. A small price to pay if the government is going to “oppose extreme speech.”

Free speech has to have limits, Merkel says. “Those limits begin where hatred is spread.” Not allowed to hate. “They begin where the dignity of other people is violated.”

Uh-huh. And here’s the catch: In Merkel’s little utopia, the government gets to decide what speech is “hateful” and what speech isn’t. Don’t tell me you don’t trust the government to do that.

American liberals see this and lick their chops with envy. Oh, if we could only do that here! Confound that pesky First Amendment! Dash it all, we’re already doing this on all our college campuses! Why can’t we do it everywhere?

Freedom is not something that our self-anointed big shots like us to have. That’s why we have to protect it, day in, day out. Because otherwise some shadowy characters in Facebook, with the enthusiastic support of Democrats, will censor everybody who isn’t them.

This is America, not Germany. Let’s keep it that way.


‘Resistant Christianity’

See the source image

This month’s Chalcedon editorial warns us: “What begins with erasing God from society and institutions must make its way to the hearts and minds of believers.”


It’s not that the Church, or Christ’s Kingdom, is going to fail. But we as individuals can; and history is littered with the bones of failed countries and societies.

We don’t want America winding up there, do we?

The temptation is always “Go along to get along.” And so we compromise with a Godless world. We want people to think we’re nice guys. Next thing you know, we’re attending a baby shower for a woman who’s having a baby by her “boyfriend” while still married to her husband.

Cultural compromise is giving away half the Church’s ground whenever the world demands it.

Faithfulness has to win back the ground. Has to–or America is finished.

My Newswithviews Column, July 11 (‘Shut Up, They Explained’)

Image result for images of frederica wilson

If you can’t make fun of this, what can you make fun of?

Anyone who makes fun of members of Congress online should go to jail, according to Florida Democrat waste of space Frederica Wilson.

Shut Up, They Explained

In Britain you can’t write a screenplay in which the villain belongs to any Cherished Minority group. In America you can’t even write a script with animal villains without being sued.

I’m beginning to suspect they don’t want us saying anything. Unless we’re leftids or mere babbling jidrools like Ms. Wilson.

Did I just make fun of her?

No Smoking in a Movie, Either

Our esteemed colleague, “Jessicafischerqueen,” who lives and works in South Korea, reports that due to “some new law,” images of smoking have been censored out of movies–even movies that have already been made–by “blurring out” cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. She first saw this in a movie she was watching on TV.

“The movie was also filled with gratuitous violence and sex,” she said, “which is not at all blurred out.”

Well, they have to do that, don’t they, or next thing you know, people will be smoking in the cemeteries.

Are these people quite all there?

So it’s okay to show people in a movie committing adultery, incest, rape, murder, armed robbery, etc., but heaven forbid we allow the audience to see anybody smoking!

What does that tell us about our rulers’ priorities? Nothing good.

Liberals are always yawping about censorship, and “trying to impose your stupid morality on everybody else”; but they’re always the first to employ censorship, and the very first to impose their stupid morality upon the rest of us. Can you say “transgender bathrooms”?

We really ought to be ashamed of ourselves, allowing our nations to be governed by such hypocrites.


Rabbits With Swords–a Fantasy You Can Believe In


After all the awful fantasies I’ve read, I’ve finally found a good one: The Green Ember by S.D. Smith, a tale of rabbits with swords. It’s available on amazon.com.

OK, it’s a fairy tale. All the characters are talking animals. The rabbits have been crushed by their enemies and are trying to rebuild their world. They are kept alive by hope and faith. Their society is built around strong and loving families. For love and loyalty, they will make sacrifices.

I recommend this book without reservation. I’ll be writing a full-length review of it for The Chalcedon Foundation; and of course you can go to amazon and read the large number of five-star Customer Reviews. Meanwhile, though, I have heard from some who most emphatically do not like The Green Ember.

“Not a single f-bomb in the whole [bleep] thing!” complains the Citizen of the World Library Assn. “How are kids supposed to learn how to talk, reading [bleep] [bleep] like this?”

“Would you believe it,” cries the reviewer for Musical Feminists Inc., “one of the characters in this far-Right propaganda hate-piece actually refers to ‘having babies’! I thought I was going to be sick!”

Grumbles Fred Vermin of The Science Is Settled, So All of You Shut Up, “Not one word in it about man-made Global Warming, I mean Climate Change! I suspect this Smith guy of being a secret Climate Change Denier. He should be jailed and tortured, just in case.”

Wanda Byaduck of The Whoopee Crowd beefed, “I don’t know how you write a book for children without detailed sex scenes. I think this author is a homophobe! And probably a transphobe, too, and any other kind of phobe we can dream up between now and suppertime.”

Added Dotti Frump of the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign, “The whole thing is coded language expressing hatred for women and a pathological fear of Mrs. Clinton. It should be taken off the market!”

So, folks, enjoy this book while you can. It’s written for kids, but adults can enjoy a noble tale like this, as soon as they’ve outgrown their education.

The Deranged Liberal Quote of the Week

We had to reach all the way across the Atlantic to find this one. But first, the context.

Someone has invented an “app” that filters out filthy language and replaces foul words with cleaner substitutes. It’s intended for use by parents who don’t want their kids drowned in f-bombs every time they read an e-book or play a video game ( http://godfatherpolitics.com/21330/liberals-outraged-clean-reader-app-cleans-objectionable-language/ ).


Here is the objection, word for word (as reported by the U.K. Telegraph), from a British novelist I never heard of:

“Well, we’ve been down this road before. We should know where it leads by now. It starts with blanking out a few words. It goes on to drape table legs and stick fig leaves onto statues. It progresses to denouncing gay or Jewish artists as ‘degenerate.’ It ends with burning libraries and erasing whole civilizations from history.”

Wow. I guess we should be grateful to Fifty Shades of Grey and the Porn Channel for keeping our civilization going. Who knew the work of graffiti artists was so important? Do you know, I’ll bet that’s exactly what happened to the Indus Valley civilization–they bleeped out an f-bomb, and the next thing…pfft! Gone!

And this from the people on the Loving Left who want to sue you and destroy your livelihood, and sentence you to sensitivity training, every time you speak a single word that they don’t like! This from the cockroaches who set up campus speech codes and “human rights” commissions to flatten anyone who might diverge from their notion of diversity–which is lib-speak for uniformity. This from the little tinpot fascists of the Clinton campaign who tell you in advance what words you will not be allowed to use when discussing their idol’s presidential aspirations.

I wish we could filter them out.